Starting from the Basics:
An Overview of Logic Gates:
Logic Gates
A logic gate is an idealized or physical
device implementing a Boolean function,
that is, it performs a logical operation on one or more logic inputs and
produces a single logic output. Either the output is a low state (0) or high state
(1). There are different ways of representing the output of the Logic Gates;
it may also be in the form of true/false. Basically, a function is assigned to
each gate according to their output.
The basic gates are
AND Gate
OR Gate
NOT Gate
NOR Gate
XOR Gate
AND Gate:
AND gate works on ‘and’ condition
i.e. for two inputs, the output will be ‘High’
if input A and input B both are in ‘High’
The function
and the truth table of AND Gate:
OR Gate:
In the same fashion, OR gate operate
on ‘or’ condition i.e. the output will be high if either input is high.
NOT Gate:
NOT gate is also known as Inverter. The output is the inverted version of the input.
NAND Gate:
gate operates on ‘AND logic followed by NOT gate’. When both inputs are high it
returns low. It is the reverse case
of AND gate. Simply NOT-AND gate
abbreviated as NAND gate.
NAND Gate Symbol & Truth Table |
NOR Gate:
The NOR gate operates on ‘OR logic followed by NOT gate’. To
remember the logic, you may also call it NOT-OR gate.
NOR Gate Symbol, Function & Truth Table |
XOR Gate:
'Exclusive-OR' gate is a circuit which will give a high output if either, but
not both, of its two inputs are high. An
encircled plus sign (
) is used to show the EOR operation.
XOR gate symbol, Internal Structure & Truth Table |
XNOR Gate:
The 'Exclusive-NOR' gate circuit does the opposite to the EOR gate. The result is a low output if either, but not both, of its two inputs are high. The symbol is an EXOR gate with a small circle on the output. The small circle represents inversion.
XNOR Gate Symbol, Equivalent Circuit & Truth Table |
Logic gates representation using the Truth table:
All Logic Gates with Truth Table |
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